Friday, January 22, 2010

Consolidation Usa Why Did The Neocon Traitors At The Top And The Elite Owners Run This Country Into The Dirt? ?

Why did the neocon traitors at the top and the elite owners run this country into the dirt? ? - consolidation usa

You have all played a round of massive financial institutions and the time has come for the United States to the 2nd World nation status, a massive consolidation of power and wealth, open borders, North American Union and Amero are awarded - or any other currency, which they tell us, and then the government under the leadership of the United Nations.


kathy_is... said...

You did not mention Congress (Democratic majority) that have been warned for years that Fannie and Freddie were out of control, not only none of it, but openly defended ... including the "owners of the elite" that you mentioned. The final collapse of Fannie and Freddie were the dominoes began to fall.

Pudgey said...

Unfortunately, the deregulation of the Libs, who insists that led to this result. That each and every loan, money, if you can pay or not. Next, the surface would not election.Barry stopped just in time for the Communists and their colleagues at Acorn.

9-12'er said...

But what the Libs do not understand why I do not know the facts as they could and are generally known, it only EB feet of the Democrats in 2005, as a repub trying to reign in Fannie and Freddie, and blew by the Democrats.

Phil Gramm said...

Greed and corruption.

I am saying this for years and disadvantages called me an "enemy of success" ...

You have successfully f * cked reprocussions America with very little.


itsme692... said...

Money and power corrupts all ... So the main reason why most Republicans never work policy .....

seahawko... said...

Tries to reassure the people, on the other end of the economic ladder

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