Why do ovaries get swollen? - ovaries that are swollen an on fire
Iam be pregnant I get my period of 7 days and after this period lasted only one day, half of it. There are after three weeks. The reason I ask because I like the pain in my right from just below the navel.
Hello, yes, you may be pregnant, prone to periods lighter and shorter.
* Good *
These deviations are in most cases, a normal thing, and the peaks are caused by hormones. This may be due to emotional stress, changes in eating habits, and take some oral contraceptives.
You should work with your data and take a pregnancy test.
You may be pregnant or an ovarian cyst. The cysts pain on one side. Typically disappear by itself, but sometimes explode, May. Go talk to your doctor, not if you go fast. He or she will feel on palpation of the abdomen or internal review. Sometimes will send you an ultrasound. Good luck.
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