Saturday, January 16, 2010

Horse Checks How Can I Check Mate With A Horse And A Knight Against A Horse?

How can I check mate with a horse and a knight against a horse? - horse checks

I have checked a little problem playing against my team: do not seem to be able to mate with a horse and a rider on his horse, check. The program does not bring me how. But is that possible? If so, how?



tweety said...

You can create a force checkmate with two knights against a lone king. You can only against the arrest, the king of this level of violence.

It is a case in which a page with two horses can "force" their partner, but only if the other party, a figure that can move. This is described by Capablana in his "Manual of chess".

Black: King on the A8 pawn on h5
White: King, B6, Knights of d6 and H4 (Block Checker)

1. NG6 / h4
2. Ne5 / h3
3. Nc6 / h2
4. NB5 / h1 = Q
5. Mate NC7

Many software are not as good as it should play in the final game. His program would not be able to do anything with the position you have described.

hooper54... said...

You may not like a gentleman and a horse answer is the same coin.

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